How could he do this to me?!?!

I LOVE happy endings!!!!!
I remember almost every argument I had with my father growing up. I was a A**, my father has been gone for 27 years and everyday I miss him, everyday I wish I could take back the trouble I caused him. Some days I still find myself with a tear when I think back of what a great man he was even though I did not know it at the time.

My father drowned in a fishing accident, the day before he said he would help me put a engine in a hot rod I was building. I said "No you work to much go fishing and enjoy yourself" There is not a day goes by that I feel it is somehow my fault. Only if I could take back all my childish behavior and foolish stunts. I never ever ever said I hate you to my father but I sure did not tell him how much I loved him enough.
yep that sounds like me. i plan on moving out right away and telling my dad i'm never coming back. thankfully, my parents are seeing lawyers now so he will be gone. when he leaves, i'll make sure to tell him he will never see me again. i'd like it that way.

I'm not going to take sides here because I don't know all the facts and there's always 3 sides to every story...theirs, mine and the truth.

I do find it incredibly sad tho that you say you never want to see your dad again. I know there those out there who should have never become parents. Parents are not perfect. They are human too who make mistakes and have to live with those decisions. I'm just saying don't burn any bridges in your life. When you've grown up you may look at things entirely diffrently.
Lost my Dad in 1988. 2 days before x-mas. I was 30 at the time with my 1st 11mo old baby. What I miss the most is talking to him about my kids and the fact that he never saw most of them. Isn't it funny how you find yourself doing the same things as your Dad did. i feel like I am my dad sometimes.
So very true - so many of us have been there and done that my friend
. Kids these days... they just wont understand until they have walked miles in our shoes and one day will look back and say "darn it - wish I didnt say this...or that..." or "If he/she only knew how much I really loved him/her before they died."

You only get one shot at this thing called life - you only get one set of parents and kids - ya'll arent easy even though you THINK you are, trust us. Ya'll dont come with instructions on "How to Parent" and you push buttons more than a telephone I assure you. One thing you forget is parents are people too and have feelings, and those feelings get hurt just like yours do. We were kids once too and the old addage of "been there done that" applies all too often.

My husbands father died 3 years ago - DH was supposed to go hunting with him that morning and he called his dad and said "Dad, I'm tired, not going to go today, is that okay?" and his dad told him "Yep, its fine..I'll call you when I get the big buck son". At 9:30 the phone rang - except it wasnt his dad, it was the police - his dad dropped in the field walking across it of a heart attack. My DH still to this day blames himself because he didnt go with him that morning. I tell him it wasnt his fault, God had a plan for him not to be there...but it still haunts him to this day.

My daddy and I were inseparable.. I was Daddy's girl all growing up and into adulthood, always have been. In 2007 things happened and I didnt talk to my father for 18 months - and then I found out he had terminal cancer. I got to spend 2 months with him before he died and I couldnt fit enough days, hours or minutes into those 2 months. I couldnt tell him I loved him enough, or I was sorry enough for things that I said to him. One of the last things I said to him was "I hope you die..." 18 months earlier. Oh to be able to take those words back - you just dont know how those 4 simple words wreak havoc on a soul - when I could have just said 4 other simple words "Daddy I forgive you" or "Daddy I love you".

There isnt a day that I dont miss my Dad - terribly. I was there when he died, I held his hand, I watched the life light that was my father go out and to this moment, sitting here typing with tears streaming down, I would give ANYTHING to go back 24 months ago and do it all over again. All over something stupid....words that were said on both our parts that should have never even entered into the picture.

Dont lose sight of your parents - they love you and just because you arent getting your way now doesnt mean you hate your dad. Dont say something you'll regret for the rest of your life possibly because you may not get a second chance to say I love you....I was lucky - but I still have so much heartache and I miss my Dad so very much.

What I wouldnt give to have him for just 1 more day....

if someone would have told my husband and I that before the ages of 40 for either of us we'd of lost both our fathers within 3 years of each other... oh what we wouldnt have done differently.
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Now that it is going to happen, say thank you and go into the project with an open mind and a good attitude and no blame game, no I told you so, no I won and you didn't. This may be the last project you get to do with your father. Enjoy it as much as you can for what it is worth so you can look back and say that yes, you did have some good times with him even though they might have been few and far between, they were there.
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Now that it is going to happen, say thank you and go into the project with an open mind and a good attitude and no blame game, no I told you so, no I won and you didn't. This may be the last project you get to do with your father. Enjoy it as much as you can for what it is worth so you can look back and say that yes, you did have some good times with him even though they might have been few and far between, they were there.

thank you. he is really being good about it. he was really into looking for the pieces and seems quite excited.

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