How did you come up with your screen name?

:thun goes. Zyklonia Dark has been by "alternative" name since I was 14. Zyklon B was the tradename of a cyanide-based insecticide used by Nazi Germany , and I was always a "strange" child, so I had to create a name around it, and it stuck. I added Dark because I have a very dark sense of humour, and I like the dark! The Gothik Rancher part came in because everyone I know says that when they find out I have all the goats and chickens , they think about me walking around, doing my chores, feeding the animals in my usual garb
so, they call me the gothik rancher, and I found it hilarious!!! I don't really wear all that to do my chores, I actually have a dress from a mental hospital {I didn't get it by visiting, got it on ebay!} that I wear when I work outside with my monsters!! It is comfy and cool, and well, it is from a mental hospital!!!! My mother always said I was going through a phase when I was 13...I am 33 now, and I haven't changed yet. My real name is Delight by the way, which is kinda funny considering my love of darkness!!! :thun
Ha ha- I was trying to figure out why people (s) left over chickens. Maybe it was the crowing? On the third try I was sure I had it right. "Leftover", as in "used" chickens.
When we started on chickens, we got two striped chicks in the bunch, who grew up to be gorgeous Americana pullets. One was Jane, blond feathers on neck and head, and her "sister" was Lizzy, dark feathers on neck and head.

Those two were inseparable, and Lizzy mourned her Jane after the neighbor's dog attacked, and we lost her. I hope to find another "Jane"someday. Lizzy is still with us.

And for those of you living in the glow of more modern tales, Jane and Lizzy are the admirable young ladies of Jane Austin's, Pride and Prejudice.
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This has been a captivating thread indeed! Gives us a little peek into each other's origins / hobbies / lives, in a way. My nick is an adaptation of critterlover . I thought it was very simple and easy to get, but I've had people guess things like Carter-lover (as in Jimmy Carter; go figure...), craterlover (like vulcanologist), etc. nope, just plain ol' critters! The more the merrier (but don't ask DH; he thinks there's QUITE enough merriment around this household!) He's a very loving, patient, and tolerant man, but I think he's pretty much at his critter limit.
On a trivia site I used to frequent, my nicks were tootsiebird (for our first cockatiel) and purrsnickety (Just because!) It's been fun meeting you folks, and this site has a wealth of information! (although you do have to be careful and take some of it w/ a grain of salt, like the person who told another member that the predator taking her chickens couldn't be a raccoon, because they don't eat meat...

ah well, the Bible tells us to let things be established in the mouths of two or three witnesses. Make sure you get corroboration on your questions if you're not sure!
golly day will be able to read all of these- LOL
anyway, I was in a rush to sign up at registration so did not put very much thought into the name, so it is not original AT ALL!!
I'm an RN, so used that and name........really dumb now

wish i could change it.......I'd think up something more original second time around had I'd known I'd be soooo addicted.
DH says that Walking on Sunshine is my theme song, so there you go!

When I work with kids, they say "it's all good until Ms. Erika stops smiling."

And that's the truth. If you do something to stop me from smiling, watch out!

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Ah, well, I haven't been on... uh, in forever. I need to start paying attention to the sites I've signed onto

*ahem* anywho, my user is purely out of need. I've signed into more than twenty sites and I needed a recognizable and rare username for them all (my memory ain't THAT good). One day (literally out of the blue) I thought up 'BarkingPup' and it stuck.... I don't even like dogs all that much but so far NO-ONE has taken it
So... yeah pretty random and unintresting

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