how did YOU lose weight?

After my 1st child I went up to 225 lbs....I never lost it...then I had another baby 2 years later....walked out of the hospital a size 6 @ 125 lbs. I didn't gain a pound through my second one, I lost weight. I have stayed a size 6 since.
I think during summer break going from 6th to 7th grade I had started working out, I weighed about 140 and I'am 5'2''. I had lost weight but as soon as school started I would gain it back, and being younger I did not really know about calories and all that stuff. Towards the end of 8th grade my grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had lived with her and my aunt but they said I had to stay at my cousins which caused me a lot of stress- I had a neck ache so bad that it felt like I had a fever. I think what changed is after her diagnoses everyone in my family tried to eat better, and I started working out more. I would run everyday and I basically lost all my weight within a few months. I think by the end of 8th grade I weighed 115 and freshman year of highschool I got down to 106 I think my lowest was 104, but now I go between 107 and 110, I have not weighed myself for a while because of college and being busy(on BYC

eta. also if I wanted to have desert or something I would make myself work out more to earn it, but over the last couple years I have gotten kind of lazy and probably eat too many sweets now, but college helps since I'am there all day I don't really have time to eat.
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I lost 25+ and Dash lost about 45 in 5 months and we've kept it off for the last 2 years with no problem

Breakfast or not is your choice. (If I eat, it's a microwaved egg & coffee)
GOOD & HEALTHY Lunch (This meal will last you until the next morning if you eat well)

NO sugar
snack rarely (a handful of nuts work wonders for the munchies)
Drink plenty of liquids

Exercise daily!!
I prefer a 5 mile walk @ about :15/mile. If you're going to walk... then you have to get after it. You've got to burn calories, not hope that you're going to walk off and leave them behind...

Once you've lost to your prefered weight, you may reduce your exercise to 3 times a week, but keep the eating habits the same.

Good Luck
I lost 25 LBS by cutting out sugar, colas, white bread, white potatoes, fried foods and eating one serving off of a salad plate instead of a regular dinner plate per meal. I also have 3 snacks spread out durring the day or either a piece of fruit, lowfat yogurt, cottage cheese or rice cakes and I drink lots of water. Keeps me from getting hungry.
When i lost 35lbs last year all i did was stop eating take out and only drank water and ate healthy foods and watch how much i ate and i ate 5 times a day and didn't eat after 7pm and i work out 5 days a week

and all i did for working out was i walk every early morning and late evening and did that stair climber thing.. for 15mins everyday

and doing that i lost 35lbs in 3 months
30 pounds with Switching from soda to -water, and occasionally a Gatorade or tea, got rid of snacks (Or at least.. snacks before bed
) about 5- walking 30 minutes, 5 times a week-10 lbs. working out (sit ups, Pulls ups, Push ups, 1 hour walks (or runs/jogs.. depends on my mood that day) LOADS of leg excercises. i gained weight then but lost fat and replaced it with muscle

-Only 14 though so.. May not work for everyone. can always pick through it though, i guess it i were to cut carbs and sugar etc like most people do. and maybe a diet i could lose even more

I've lost 38.4 lbs since Sept. 17th. I do a modified Atkins. I eat all protein and low carbs. Lots of eggs, chicken, tuna or any fish, steak, and anything green. It's great, I'm never hungry because the protein fills me up.
Aww the dreadful lose weight syndrome.....what works for me is that I use a smaller plate to have my meals on, this enables me to eat practically what I want without having to make a different meal for myself. Consequently my portions are smaller as I don't overload the plate. I stopped dieting twenty years ago (where does the time go!) and have eaten from a small plate ever since, I still weight the same as I did then as now 9.5 stone. Dress size 12 (UK) Works for me anyway...good luck to all you dieters xx
I have recently lost 16lbs with weightwatchers and am now going to maintain at this weight. i find that I need to be aware of portion sizes and my fat intake. I also think to weigh yourself once a week is a good way to ensure you keep on track and do not allow the weight to creep back on. I found that WW is a good way to eat healthily and it is not a diet. That means you can continue it when you have reached the weight you want to be and you will not struggle too much.
I have not gone down to the weight I was told I should by WW however.............far too light my age I would look like a wrinkly old skeleton. Not a good look!!!

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