How did your username originate?

6 years ago I manage to reach the major goal of my life, I retired! Now with time on my hands I began to search for a place where I wanted to spend my retirement that ended up being Costa Rica. The name Costa Rica Art became my nick name so only natural it is my name here. My avatar comes from he Hobit and Harry Potter.
All I wanted was a couple chickens so we could have fresh eggs. Husband starting building a coop I called the "Taj Mahal", shortened to "The Taj". Now instead of a couple chickens, I have 20. May not seem like much to some of you, but it's huge for me. I never imagined having anything more than a cat. Love my girls, they follow me everywhere (except into the house, although they'd like to!) So..... I'm the Taj Mama
Amazingly, (to me) I never had a nickname when I was growing up. On another site (trading) people had so much trouble spelling my first name correctly that I gave myself one . . . Linn.

My students used to call me Mrs. B - my last initial - and again, since so many people were mis-pelling my real last name on that trading site I spelled out my last initial. After that, no one seemed to have trouble spelling Linn Bee. Short and sweet, huh?

And Linn Bee was born.
Sitting here on my bookshelf is a book titled Mostly Tailfeathers by Gene Hill - the author of those Tailfeathers articles. They were a favorite of mine also.
My name is Robin, and I work in the aviation industry. It's also a song from the 70s, that a lot of people remember roller skating to!
It's pretty simple really. My wife is the brains behind this outfit but, if anyone tells her I said that I will plead temporary insanity. Haul n Fetch is what I do best. The wife points, I haul it or fetch it.

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