How did your username originate?

Cuz I have sheepies & live in Minnesota
My mother lived alone on a farm outside Mansfield. On the way to the farm, our young son asked our destination.
We replied, "Mansfield."
He said, "That's not right!Grammys a GIRL, she lives in Ladysfield!"
Thirty years later, we live in Ladysfield, too.
When my husband asked what I wanted to call our farm, I told him Old Church Eggery since we live in an area called Old Church. I figured if dairy folks could have a "creamery" I could have an "eggery." He didn't buy it, so we call our farm something else but my chicken operation remains Old Church Eggery.
I am a student pilot loving flying. My first bird was a Cessna 152 aerobat. Tail number N68129. After the first radio call around any airport, you only call the last 3 aphanumerals of your plane, hence 129.
Well, I'm an artist, and my favourite colour is red, wait, no, it's blue, yes, no, no, it's green. Ok, it's really brown, or was it orange or purple. Wait, wait, I can't remember! It must be Totalcolour!

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