how do chicken genetics work ???

have you seen how some times when breeding Blue(good blues are based on Silver) to Gold base birds gives you Rusty Blues? where red leaks thru Blue in a weird way?

well wee need to breed for that trait even more

some Blue Orps willl show this trait


below is a Andalucian Blue mix

Below roo shows how dark this mix can get

keep in mind this is just random mixes, not with a purpose. so one can work with this birds to amp that trait, with Mahogany, Autosomal Red and Lavender to bring the shade down..

what ya say...
I say sunbleaching. I've had a lot of sunbleached, perfect, and even "rusty" blues and whatever it is in those photos, mahogany ain't gonna help it. Even if a bird was rusty, the color would only show up in the shoulders and hackle or saddle where the rustiness is, thus, not enough to blend in for the whole bird to be purple. It'll mainly just make a Blue Copper color, as mahogany does not affect blue. Adding dilute, lavender, etc will lighten the blue and the red, but, then we're just going back to a "pink and lavender" bird.
A red that dark + lavender would be awesome.

What is he though? He looks half Asil, half Red with white legs and as if he's got henny feathering.
My question was, what gamefowl though.
I've never seen a henny feathered, solid red colored, white legged game before. Unless, he's just a mix?

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