How do chickens recognize people and other chickens?

Too many replys to see if someone else has said what I'm about to, so sorry if this is a repeat. That said..I've noticed that our only roo, Rhett, attacks sometimes when we're handing out treats also. I think it's because we're feeding HIS ladies and he gets possessive and jealous. So my wife talks to him and throws the treats over by his feet so he can call them and feel like he's giving them to the girls. He hasn't tried to drop kick her in the back of the legs since she started doing that. We've also tried the picking him up immediately after he does attack so he knows we're the bosses, but he's usually too fast for my wife. She used to be able to cuddle with him when he was a bit younger and he'd snuggle his head into her neck, but after we lost one rooster and gave away a rough one leaving him the only male....well, he was too much of a man for "Mommy" now plus she was away for 2 weeks around that time. He thinks she's a little crazy too! She's scolded him after doing it and has done "The Stork" from Karate Kid at him when she can't catch him. Pretty funny!
I disagree that they do not have a keen sense of smell, at least some of them anyhow. I can walk in the door with a Whopper Jr. or a taco, and they all start crying from way off in the kitchen even as I come in the door. (They are nuts for them)

I can walk in with any other fast food that they dont go nuts for, and its like "oh, you home huh? Bout time, ho hum"
Yes, I think you're right. Roosters give treats to their hens, so he probably views you as being like a rival rooster.

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