How do I add more protein?

flaxseed is a great addition to any poultry ration. it's 37% protein (by weight) and has lots of other great benefits. you can get it at most stores, including Walmart (ours even sells Organic Flaxseed).

the list (#3) on this website is a great resource for figuring out protein percentages. check my BYC page for that and several other links to good nutrition information.
Soybean meal is a great source of protien and a whole lot cheaper than fish meal. I just add it to the lay mash when corn mix in the winter to make up for the low protein in corn.
Those values fluxuate based on where you are, mine is not that high in protein

Agreed on the many great benefits to it, that's why I eat it too.
I can check on some of those things when I call the feed store to do my order. I live on an island so I don't have access to as many stores as most people do. I did give them a can of salmon this evening. They loved it but I had to spend five dollars for one can.

On the plus side we did get three eggs yesterday and five eggs today.
Chicky Joy: I too reside on an island and things are hard to get most of the time. I am having a heck of a time with organic food from mainland as feedstore is not reliable so far.............Concerning providing protein: Did you ever try the pkt salmon ?Wash it off to get rid of some salt as it is not good for their kidneys.Did you see any bones in the can? Be careful as that will not go down very easier nor get passed to well. My SILKIES are 15 weeks old and the biggest concern and headaches is availability of the organic food I choose to provide for them.The barge is a big pain getting things here as well as expensive and taked way too long to ship here is Not funny!I wouldn't trade Paradise for nothing but are we way out there in the ocean!
If fishing is an industry on the island where you live, it may be possible to source trim and scraps right from the fishermen or processors. Could be a cheap, local protein source!
We live in northern Michigan. There is a local fishing industry, well I wouldn't quite call it an industry. There is really only one fishing boat that provides the fresh fish locally. I'm not even sure if they are still fishing. I know they will be quitting soon either way as the weather will be turning.

What about other types of meat, say ground beef or anything else I might have on hand? I really don't think they've been eating too much other food (scratch, treats). My hubby reminded me that we've been out of scratch for quite a while. That means they've been getting the Layena by itself for sometime.

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