How do I design a coop?

So what I need is: ventilation, food, water and nest boxes. How much land (I have 3 ducks and 1 drake) do they need if I let them out in the morning and put them back in at evening?
I don't think you need nest boxes but you've got everything else covered.
Ducks just make their own nests in their coop no boxes required.

You also don't need a big yard for 4 ducks either but I would suggest that you fence it and cover whatever area you have for them unless predators, including flying ones, are not an issue in New Zealand. If I just "let my ducks out in the morning" I wouldn't have to worry about putting them to bed because they'd be most likely gone by bedtime.
This thread goes over a really beautiful duck house build!
My wife and I built this duckhouse from scratch, and we're happy to provide any help or answer any questions. It's been a great set-up for our six silver Appleyards. I do wish we had built in a way to easily segregate birds inside the duckhouse. That is really the only thing we would have done differently.
No, I already have my land, and ducks, and fence, and an old coop, but my ducks weren't very happy with it (it was hard to get them into their coop at night), so I am going to make a new, nicer coop.
If you post some pics of what you've got now, I'm sure folks will be able to offer suggestions.

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