How do I explain this?

Someone once told me that all people have the herpes virus in their system and that some are just more resistant to outbreaks than others. Any truth to this? I have had on and off oral herpes outbreaks my entire life. L-lysine helps to lessen the severity of the outbreak.
shingles is from the chicken pox virus not herpes .. and you are very right about disposable bathroom cups and a break out tooth brush.. i get them from the dollar store and it will be swabbed after each use with Isopropyl alcohol wipes during the outbreak and then disposed of post outbreak
I've had them since before I can remember. I was very careful not to give it to my kids and after 37 years of marriage my husband still does not have them. Yes, I can understand your aggravation but she will do fine. I will go years in between outbreaks now. Sunburn and chapped lips were my biggest triggers. It's like my rosacea....if that is the worst thing I ever have then I can deal with it.
Out breaks can pop up at time of stress... emotional or physical. Yes the virus lies dormant and can break out even if exposed to the sun to long. My sil is a surfer(sun on his lower lip) and my DD played the clarinet. I work for a preventive medical doctor for over 15 years before we both retired. L-lysine is what we suggested. It is something she'll probably take very long term if not forever.. It's a form of Vit C but derived from amino acids. Very safe. Speak w/ her Dr. there is no neg effects if you keep the dosage to 500mg she gets older up it to 1000mg in times of stress. You can buy it @ any health food store. I think Wal-mart even carries it.
I get cold sores sometimes too... maybe a couple times a year. And only one pretty small sore each time.
Usually when i get a fever or get too much sun i get one. Thats it.
My mother said when i was an infant i broke out with it baad.. i couldnt even suck a bottle without some numbing stuff. (she must have let someone with a big honkin sore kiss her baby
smack.gif ..she denies it though.. I just mess with her.
Now like i said... only a couple times a year.. (sometimes not even that much..)
I just use that OTC med/chapstick HerpicinL..when i feel one coming on, and the sore only lasts like 3 days...
Really no biggie at all.
Soo... is oral herpes the same?? Or are cold sores a different type?
SEE sour! We both have monkey toes and get cold sores too...
I'm gettin' scared...
Not all strains of herpes is sexually transmitted, as I think you are relating to the shame you think your daughter will carry. As you've read, she most likely has a cold sore (a simplex of herpes) which is common and covered here. You mentioned the tingle, when she feels that the L-Lysone works great! I had it so bad when I was a kid they re-vaccinated me for small pox! I never had it so bad after that. Everytime I went snow skiing or let my lips get chapped from sun or wind, I would get it. BTW, my husband of 32 years or our 2 kids, or 5 grandkids never got it!
People are actually contagious even if no sores are present, just fyi. There is just a weeping stage of could sores where the virus is most contagious, but even healthy skin can shed the virus, saliva from someone showing no sores, etc. A large majority of people do have oral herpes, whether they show symptoms or not. I think it is something like 80 percent or so by age 40. Many people do not show any noticeable symptoms, or show fewer symptoms or outbreaks as they age. I'm not sure if you are worried about stigma attached to this or not from your post?

Most of us probably remember a rather itchy run in with a herpes strain...chicken pox.
Sorry to hear about your daughter, deep breaths, try not to over react and talk to her doc about what's best for her.

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Eh... Ive had them since I was a baby and usually get 2-4 out breaks a year.
...Sure its not attractive to look at but such is life.

My sister called me a couple days ago in a panic (she thought she was getting one) and I wanted to tell her to just shut up, its not the end of the world.
When 80% of people have the virus I dont think its anything to be too upset about.

I guess I was lucky enough to have everyone in my life over look it and not point and laugh, as I usually get large ones.
Ugh.. I went to a friends 16th birthday party once and there was pictures taken. She pulled them out some years later and OH MY GOD! That coldsore look like it could have made me tip over it was so large.

There are slight discolorations (I guess you could call them scars) from some of the ones Ive had.

They are not the end of the world and honestly she could have gotten it from a friend at school sipping out of the same straw.
Dont point fingers and make people feel bad.

Ive tried L-Lysine with some good results and some unimpressive ones.

Usually I just take rubbing alcohol to the area when I feel a tingle.
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