How do I find out if my chickens are show quality or not????????

No matter where you got them from, enter them in shows. See how they compare with other birds of the same type and class. Then you can see where you need to improve.

Hatchery birds can be entered into and place well in APA or ABA shows. It is possible to get a SQ bird from a hatchery. Just not as likely.

For d'Uccle standards, look at this site:
I would recommend just go to a few shows and look at the birds that the other people are showing.Most of them will be more than happy to talk to you about their birds.I would suggest going to an ABA/APA sanctioned show, the local county fairs for the most part are not nearly the same caliber of birds as the ABA/APA shows will be.
Thanks so much..I tried to take some pictures today and when the birds saw the camera they just freaked out. needless to say I didn't get any good pics..but I will continue to try.

I got my birds from McMurray Hatchery....they look like the ones in the book, but after reading some of the post on another thread..I am afraid I don't have that quality. I love them just the same, but maybe for now I should focus on the state fair here in richmond, Va.

I can not thank you all enough for your helpful comments.....I love this forum.
Your question regarding whether or not they are show quality birds does indicate you have some interest. Enjoy the birds you have, go to some shows and get an idea about the breed you like to raise and then do some research on who the good breeders are and go from there.

Birds whether hatchery or show quality can be a lot of fun soo take your time and do some research
I dont know this for a fact but I am guessing that Joel Gilman will have a bunch of birds at the VA. fair. He would be a great person to get to know and will give you great guidance in looking for the right breeders for you.

There is an awesome communtiy of Heritage breeders and if you show what I call very polite interest you can find folks to help you a lot.

Go to a show and find a breed or two that you would like to focus on and learn as much as you can. There is so much to learn about one breed.

Good Luck.

And you are correct the odds of your McMurray birds being close to show quality is very remote. On the upside they will likely lay a lot more eggs than most show birds

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