How do I find out if my chickens are show quality or not????????

D'Angelo N Va.

10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
I have some beautiful birds...and some ppl. ask me if they are S.Q (show quality) me they are, but I don't know. how do I find this information out? I have Mille Fleur D'Uccles, Partridge Cochins, and Salmon Faverolles...any help would be most appreciated.
Take pictures of them there are a lot of people that know a lot about almost every breed on this site so someone will be able to help you out. For Faverolles you could post of the faverolles thread. I also would like to know where you got your birds. The standard is also a good place to start but after that you need to develop an "eye" for the breed and you will get better and better as you learn what to look for.

Oh ok..thanks so much. I have been working o.t. like crazy so I wasn't able to come back on and say Thanks so much. I'll post some pictures.
If hatchery birds are not show quality why do all the catalogs I have to McMurry and other hatcheries have pictures of people showing and winning with their birds??
They can certainly win at a county fair or 4-H show but very few birds from a hatchery meet the standard and can be shown at APA and ABA shows. 4-H shows and fairs are a completely different thing then APA and ABA shows!

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