How do I get my chicken to like me again?

Mealworms!!! Mine don't get treats but once a week. I have an old cake pan.....I cut up tiny bits of apple. In the middle of the apples, I place a small dish of yougurt with shredded cheese and mealworms mixed in. Nothing is funnier than watching chickens come running! It only took 2 times of this "buffet" and my adopted older cbickens became my best friends. Still don't cuddle like my hand raised little babies; but very friendly compared to when I got them. They had never been handled or spoiled. Mealworms, yougurt and cheese!! Your chickens will LOVE you! Oh, and say "here chickie, chickie, chickie" so they associate your voice with yummy.
Mine Are spoiled. They get treats every day when we free range them in the evenings. Meal worms are a favorite. They go crazy for crickets. They will put there wings out while running and screeching like a bunch of Velociraptors going in for the kill. Almost frightening, the frenzie that will produce...

Fair Winds,

Bill, I think we need to see at least a photo of attack mode there. Sounds familiar; my greedy guts birds are so treat-trained - well, it could be scary.

On the bad-smelling bird, definitely check it over for wounds, mites, something. Our noses didn't evolve for nothing, I believe that if something smells bad, then it probably is. (this includes MIL's stink kaise - stink cheese).
i tried checking out the source of the smell today but the thing is though, he dodges and squirms until he gets a good resting position on my arm. once he has that, he wont let me touch him. if i bother him too much, he jumps off.

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