How do i get rid of it...*pics*

help me out here... i don't get it... why would having one be against the law? what part makes it illegal? where's the abuse? these are very sincere questions...

It is illegal to own a Red-tailed hawk as a pet. They are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act I think.
Also, this might help answer some of your questions:
Isn't it illegal to keep almost any wild animal as a pet? (If it's not my father has to answer for this! I could have tamed that deer!)

Survival of the species.
The short answer is yes for the most part. Yeah, deer are a no-no along with the raptors, owls, etc. Even feathers from roadkill are illegal.
I don't have a permit for my ducks and wouldn't even be able to get one where I live because I'm in the suburbs. If no one knows they can't do anything.

Edited for typos.
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I have had hawks do this around me, all of them young. I think that it is because they are young. Maybe they are curios or checking out what produce you have at the pen
I have chased them off. I have witnessed one of the young hawks that has done this type of thing eat my chicken a week after I have encountered it. Maybe they are seeing how tolerant you are of their precense. (spelled correctly?)
I strongly dislike hawks around my chickens due to having had them attack my flock multiple times but only killing one of my chickens.

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