how do i get rid of lice/mite egg cases on feather shafts?

i tried the davis spray idk if id works yet, as far as the damn nits i tried the coconut but them things are really stuborn, i plucked the feathers that had nits in them most were the baby feathers, the bird came from the farmers market ive i have gotten chickens from this "family farm" before and theyve always got pests. often they cramp the birds together they bring to market and someone is getting pecked bloody and i just cant unsee it and bring a bird home. so now im a silkie mama crossing fingers
You have to re-dose the birds in 7-10 days and clean their environment again. The egg casings will not come off easily and generally need to be cut out. They will eventually fall out, but that can take forever.

Good luck.
Thank you, I have 7 infected girls with these hard egg sacks, I don't look forward to cutting them off thier so close to the skin...
i bought a trio buff orpingtons the other day and noticed they had a bad case of scamy leg mites. i started treating the feet when i noticed the chickens were crawling with bugs, when parting the feathers you could see huge clumps off egg cases on the shafts.

i promptly dosed all three with ivomec pour on (i used 1.5 ml per chicken?)

ive looked today and cant see anyliving bugs but the egg cases are firmly stuck on, i tried bathing one hen but the egg casings didnt budge so am reluctant to try bathing the roo and other hen. they seem so much happier without the bugs, but the eggs cases are everywhere.

will these too now be dead or will they die upon hatching? do i have to redose them with ivomec perhaps in a few days?? how can i get these eggs off without plucking the poor chickens bald??
I have the same problem My first outbreak in 7 years
I tried the cocon. oil that many suggest, but it didn't work for me (for our little roo). I ended up cutting them out. It ruined his pretty beard for a while, but it all grows back.
Thank you, I'll start working on them tomorrow

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