How do I get rid of skunks?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 4, 2010
I have been smelling skunk around lately and think it's coming around at night. Coop is very tight and birds are locked in. Hopefully the skunk will give up and go away. What do I do if not? I have a humane trap and have moved a few animals around from time to time. But the skunk? don't think I want to trap him. I'm not against killing it if it becomes big trouble. The smell could be big trouble too. Coop is only 100 feet from house. Just wondering what other people have done???
Skunks are actually not likely to spray when trapped. I trapped one last year and before I could get to it my 6 year old had run right up to the trap and peered in - just a couple inches from the skunk! But if you want to be safe you could drape a blanket or beach towel over the trap before transporting it.

I carried the trapped skunk (in the trap) about 100 feet and let it go at the edge of our woods. It stomped it's feet but didn't spray.

Of course, your experience may be very different. Your local animal control office may have suggestions.

We ordered these yet to arrive but the man who used to trap our skunks used them and never got sprayed!
Assess your yard to see if there is anything attracting the skunk or skunks. Do you have a compost bin with left over meaty foods in it?

Getting a hold of your local DNR would be a good idea. They know animals natural tendencies and could give you concrete recommendations to reduce future visits from skunks.
When I was a kid and we had skunk problems (lived in an area where discharging firearms was illegal) animal control would set out a poisoned egg near/at their den. Then come the next day to colllect the carcass.
Ahhhh...cover and haul away sounds good. Anyone have a horror story of a cover and haul away?
What about killing once trapped? Any chance they can spray? I believe everybody but this is seroius business and would like some more feedback to build my skunk removal skills. We have had them under the farm houses and elsewhere we did not want them. We had a dog get sprayed and what fun that was. I want to make sure I don't go through that again.

Had one move into my dogs house one time. In the middle of winter. Couldn't figure out why that stupid dog was laying out in the snow. He'd been sprayed before and knew better. Lucky me though, when I stuck my head in his house I didn't get sprayed. Skunk fortunately moved on by himself before I had to call Animal Control. I personally wouldn't try and move a trapped skunk. If you shoot it, or otherwise dispatch it inside the trap, be prepared to have your trap smell for years afterwards. Not neccesarily a bad thing. Good cover scent.

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