How do I get the membrane off?


16 Years
Jul 2, 2008
West TN
My chick is hatched and running around the bator with a large piece of membrane on its back. Do i need to worry about getting it off, or will it go away on its on as the chick feathers out?

If I need to get it off, how do I do that?

I had this happen. The other chicks kept pulling at the poor thing, so I took it to a warm room and used a q-tip (just so I didn't saturate it) and warm water. It should come right off once you dampen it. I wouldn't worry about drying it just get it back under the heat lamp asap. Good luck
I had this problem with a baby Royal Palm Turkey that hatched my first time. I let it go and stay on there. It looked butt ugly for a couple of weeks, but it feathered out. Look like someone snotted on it.

I wouldn't see the problem of taking a clean warm rag and wiping it off, just as long as there are no drafts and you don't chill the chick.
KLF73 is right just get it back under the lamp ASAP, but if nobody is bothering it I would let it be. Your preference they don't stay cute and fuzzy for long:cd
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Yeah, I don't mind it looking scraggly, I just worry about them picking on it or something. You know how brutal they can be if they start picking....
needmorechickens! :

Yeah, I don't mind it looking scraggly, I just worry about them picking on it or something. You know how brutal they can be if they start picking....

Yes they can be mean. I had to start 'fluffing' my new babies, cuz the older ones would peck at their pink skin that was showing through their fluff! I also had some that had black beaks with white egg tooths. The others must have thought it was food or something, they were constantly pecking at that tooth!​

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