How do I get the new hens on the roost at night??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
So we have 9 hens that are 1 YO and 6 that ate about 12 weeks. We have officially had them happily mingling with the older hens for about a month now, but I can't seam to get them to roost with the older hens. They roost on everything but the roost. I have tried going out and putting them up there once they are all roosting at night and they stay there that night but the next day return to roosting on the nesting boxes and other items in the coop
. Should I just let them be, or do I need keep putting them on it so they know where to go?
Block off anything that you don't want them to roost on. I have laid a board at a 45 deggree angle on top of the nest boxes. I have put in milk jugs with a bit of sand in them in the nest boxes. Anything to make where you want them to roost the most comfortable spot.
The older hens are probably keeping the pullets from roosting with them...those pullets are 'inferior', you know.

I put up a separate roost for younger birds....and block of any other 'roosts' they might try to use, like the nest boxes.
I go out well after dark to unblock the nests and put the pullets where they belong if they are not there.
It can take a few weeks to 'train' them to a new roost.

How much roost length do you have...and what is the configuration of them?

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