How do I introduce new peahens to existing flock?


Mar 19, 2023
I have 2 peacocks and 1 peahen that are about two years old. They have been together since they were chicks. I heard the ideal ratio is 2 hens per cock. I got 2 new hens yesterday and one of the peacocks picks on the new hens. Will this ever resolve itself? How should I introduce the new hens?
They may need more space depending on where they can go and how big there area is. Also if you have a pen you can put either the one picking on the peahen or the peahen herself in a pen and let them interact with a fence to stop injuries. Or you can get chicken blinders which just stop the poultry from seeing in the front only the sides. Farmers use this for pheasants alot as they will fight and peck each other often. However they may just figure thing out on there own.

Hope that helped :)
Welcome to BYC Thanson!
I don't have any experience with peacocks. where do you keep your peacocks?
Thank you for the welcome! I built an awesome geodome that is 23' high and 23' in diameter. I used to keep the Pea's in an 10' x 8'x 10' chicken run but felt they needed an opportunity to fly. I can't let them loose as I have coyotes living on my 33 acres.
When introducing a new hen it is always better to bring the cock to the hens pen where she has seniority. All breeding pens should have a hiding place for birds that get pecked on or a cock that turns aggressive. We provide pallets or other objects for birds to hide under. It sounds like you only have the one small pen so providing hiding spaces will be your best option. Penned peas need at least 150 sq ft of space per bird and remember they are mostly ground birds, they do not need heights, without a glide space of 3/1 ft to fly down will lead to leg injuries.

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