How do I keep chickens cool?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2020
It’s my first flock and I live in southern USA, where is is hot, humid and wet. I was just wondering how I can cool my birds off? I do put ice in their water at noon, especially because they are young and haven’t payed yet.
give them a place to dirt bathe, my chickens prefer sandy like dry, loose soil, almost like dust, though i see them use cooler/slightly damper soil as well. They use that cooler soil to cool them off because they can't sweat. i also have put out a far in my yard by a shaded area. They love laying down by that to cool off.
It’s my first flock and I live in southern USA, where is is hot, humid and wet. I was just wondering how I can cool my birds off? I do put ice in their water at noon, especially because they are young and haven’t payed yet.
I like to take can corn put in ice trays and freeze it , then give it to them they see the corn in it and peck the crap out of it to get the corn lol....
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I kept a box fan outside the coop door to draw hot air out and keep the flow moving. that and ice water and frozen veggies and watermelon and grapes.
You can fill some bottles with water and freeze them. Chickens sometimes like to lean against them.
You can also fill a kiddie pool, or some kind of shallow container, with water for them to dip their feet in. Just don't make it too deep.
If it's really hot, you can take a spray bottle and just wet their outer feathers and their feet. Just keep in mind that some chickens don't mind it, but others hate it. Don't try to force it on them.
After losing 2 to heat previously, this year I tried evaporative cooling. I took an old sheet and when it's really hot I soak the sheet in a bucket and hang it over their coop and run. As the water evaporates it cools the air. I've also set the hose to mist and left it really low in their run. That keeps the soil moist and they'll lay near it but not in the mist. This is the first year I've had black and dark grey chickens and so far so good. I also change their water frequently. Standing water in their containers can get unpleasantly hot.

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