How do I know if she is egg bound? SHE IS NOW WHAT?UPDATE


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
I have a turken that is all of 10 ounces and she lays a perfect small egg like clockwork. None yesterday and today she has been in various nesting boxes squwaking and yelling, but no egg. How do I know if she is egg bound? She is so tiny it's bound to happen eventually.
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I will check tomorrow when I go out there. Does it feel like an egg stuck in there? I did reach under her today and she let me, so it should be ok to feel her. She is such a sweet bird to us humans - she is a delinquent with her fellow chickens.
Well when I was a kid, my mom and brother had been for a drive and they said this chicken fell off the truck and on to the road.
So, they brought her home.

Her beak was bleeding and we used my dad's caustic shaving stick to stop the blood. I wonder if my father ever knew that.

However, she ended up being mine. I was twelve at the time and thought I knew everything.

One day I got home from school and I heard my precious chicken screaming her head off in the backyard. She was in her hen house all by herself just squawking like crazy. She looked like she was straining and…. Duh… I thought she was constipated.

So I ran and got some Vaseline, put it on my finder and just wiped it across her butt, and before I could remove my hand I felt something warm and wet fall into my hand. Ewwwww!

I thought she had pooped in my hand. So you can guess at my amazement and surprise when I found had a great big white egg in my hand. It was her first and I guess laying it kind of smarted.

I would not let anyone eat that egg for a longest time.
Vaseline my dear…it can’t hurt. Or some more “modern” lubricant that is better than Vaseline. You do not want feathers sticking together.

Is she still eating ok? Is her crop full or is she still too distressed to eat? Is she NEW at laying?

Also, you can dilute Black Strap Molasses in water. Make the water very, very light brown. This will give her strength and may help her pass the egg.

However, two eggs is really quite strange and that may require a knowledgeable vet.

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