How do I make my chicken like me?



Jun 3, 2020
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
Treats every time you go in to hold them take them treats pick them up give them a treat they will associate you holding them with getting a treat they will love you forever
Treats every time you go in to hold them take them treats pick them up give them a treat they will associate you holding them with getting a treat they will love you forever
What type of treats should I feed them? I got mealworms, but only 2 of them like the mealworms, sometimes I feed them strawberries and they LOVE them, but what else?
Do you know what their favorite food is?
Mine like meelworms and scratch seeds.
I had adult birds who were very flighty, the first 2 weeks when I entered the run I call them by a tutututut noise, I sat in the run and tossed some scratch around me and didn't move for about 15 minites by they 2 they know what you throw around they like so they wil show interest. Keep this going for a week. The second week i threw a little scratch around me and my hand full of scrath, by the end of week 2 they were coming to me when I entered the run and when I call them when they are in the garden they will run to me. 1 of my birds always follows me my husband and comes to sit on my lap by free will, she was 3 months when I started to handle her.
Good luck!!
Do you know what their favorite food is?
Mine like meelworms and scratch seeds.
I had adult birds who were very flighty, the first 2 weeks when I entered the run I call them by a tutututut noise, I sat in the run and tossed some scratch around me and didn't move for about 15 minites by they 2 they know what you throw around they like so they wil show interest. Keep this going for a week. The second week i threw a little scratch around me and my hand full of scrath, by the end of week 2 they were coming to me when I entered the run and when I call them when they are in the garden they will run to me. 1 of my birds always follows me my husband and comes to sit on my lap by free will, she was 3 months when I started to handle her.
Good luck!!
Thank you!

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