How do I post an item for sale ?


8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
I have tried to post item for sale and it tells me I have to give state info . However it will not let me . I just became a member yesterday . Am I to much of a newbee to post an item for sale ?
Yes-there have been a lot of spammers lately, so you need to start by becoming familiar with the forum and having a certain number of posts before you can offer something for sale. A great place to start is by welcoming other new members.

By the way:
I, too, have had the same issue. I can't get in to post a listing for my Nankins. Please let me know if this is just a processing delay since I just registered a few minutes ago. Thank you.
The OP still only has one post, so I doubt the problem went away.
You can start getting more posts under your belt by going to the "where am I, where are you?" forum and look up your state thread. Introduce yourself. Go to the "new member introductions" and introduce yourself. Welcome other new members. You don't need a lot of posts, but you do need to have a few so the moderators can tell you are here legitimately and not to just spam everyone with your website, or item for sale.

By the way:
I was curious about how to find how many posts i've made in a months time in the BST. I'm gettin a message saying i've reached my limit but I don't remember when I started posting and I need to get more sold.

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