How do I stop my hen from being broody?


9 Years
Jul 4, 2011
My best hen went broody on me three days ago. I was amused at first and let her sit on a fake egg, figuring she'll give up in a day or so and get over it. She has not left the nest since. She's cranky and won't let the other girls use the nest boxes. So, today, I manually removed her from the nest and placed her outside the run. She perks up and hangs out with the flock, then goes back in the nest boxes and terrorizes the others again. I have moved her three times already this morning. Is my moving her eventually going to discourage her broodiness or is it all in vain? I removed all the fake eggs and retrieve all the others as soon as they are laid. When will she give up?
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I keep plastic eggs in my nest boxes...I broke my broody by taking her fake eggs away, lol. Not a sure fire remedy, but it worked for me.
...I remember asking this question not too long ago
none of the methods worked for me...eventually I adopted the motto of "if you can't beat them, join them". My hen was getting THIN and very pale...she had been sitting on that nest for nearly 45 days. I gave up, and bought her some chicks
She was the happiest (and best) mommy ever.
If I had a bigger coop and it wasn't -20 when they turned 8 weeks, i'd let her have at it. I was hoping to let her have her brood early spring. Well, there is a good side to this. She is the "cuddliest" of the bunch now because you can just pick her up out of the nest and hold her. She hardly puts up a fight. only squabbles with the other flock members. Kids are loving her right now.
I moved the food and water out and locked everyone out in the yard for most of the day. The kids would rotate them through having access to the coop and nest boxes. After a couple of days, the idea of sharing dawned on them, mostly.

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