How do I treat a hen with really bad vent gleet?

Ruby Mia

6 Years
Feb 6, 2013
One of my hens have been suffering with vent gleet for a while and I just read online to give her yogurt with apple cider vinigar and molasses and I was just wondering if that will work and also how long to give them to her. Thanks!

Thanks for the replies, we contacted the vet about a week ago and are just waiting for a reply. Hopefully they can give us something to help her!
If I called a vet and it took him a week to call me back, I would be finding another vet. Actually if it took him more than a couple of hours, I would be calling another vet. But, I am just like that. ......

I agree, if it takes a week for them to call back then, in my opinion, they really aren't interested in you or your bird. This also is not something that can be handled over the phone, the bird needs to be seen. This bird needs some kind of help right away, either a diagnosis and treatment started if there is any treatment for whatever she has, or to be culled.
Update: Turns out that its not vent gleet, but a tumor. She's very happy at the moment and the vet said she will be fine until the skin breaks causing infection.

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