How do my air sac look for day 7


In the Brooder
Jan 7, 2017
I have been having trouble hatching incubated eggs they are fully developed and not pipping the ones that do pip (very few) are having trouble hatching my humidty is around 70% on lock down and incubator is not ever opened its the 1502 sportsman

does this airsac look about right for a 7 day old egg i know humidity is my problem just not sure if to high or to low
That is about where mine is too. I am hoping its good cause I have been having humidity problems with this crazy weather we have been having.
I have been weighing them also because I heard that was another way to keep track of the humidity because the egg needed to lose 15% of its weight as of now it weighed 52G when it was placed in the incubator and 49G on day 7

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