How do turkeys get along with chickens?


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
I am thinking about getting a few turkey chicks and raising them with the other chicks I have... When they are older can they be in the same cage as chickens or will they be aggressive?
Something that was not mentioned in that thread or that I missed. I do not have roosters so my tom is the head of the entire flock (24 chickens, three turkeys). He is my watch turkey and sounds an alarm whenever a predator is nearby. All of the birds come running and either get into their tractors or group near the basement door behind our tom. It has been a very helpful setup and I would highly recommend it.
Something that was not mentioned in that thread or that I missed. I do not have roosters so my tom is the head of the entire flock (24 chickens, three turkeys). He is my watch turkey and sounds an alarm whenever a predator is nearby. All of the birds come running and either get into their tractors or group near the basement door behind our tom. It has been a very helpful setup and I would highly recommend it.
How much room does your birds have. I'm going to do something similar. I have 16 but soon to be 13 5 week old chickens. 1 roo and 12 hens. I just ordered 4 turkeys. I'm going to sell 2 as soon as they are feathered. The other 2 I would like to live with the chickens until butchering time this fall. I have an 8x8 coop and a 27 x 26 run. They Will get some free range time on weekends when I'm home. Would this be a comfortable situation for the chickens and the turkeys, just until October.

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