How do you catch your chickens?

Our flock is very tame for starters which helps tremendously. For a few on the shy side of the free ranging ones I just bend over and pick a blade of grass in front of the one I might want to pick up and they come over to investigate and see what I have.. Normally that's all it takes. The flock which remain in the run are always around my feet when I enter so it's very easy to pick any of them up.
i think people should not use net because of i how i used for my brown leghorn and thai rooster and australorp when ever they saw the net they knew that it a bad time and they would all run around and the other really did not go crazy but still wild now my brown leghorn went super wild and crazy it would fly everywhere even when only 10 week old. when ever i want to pet it i would grab the other birds and put them up on the fence than the other would follow than i just pet them
We're in a rather unique setup where we have to carry the chickens over to the run lol, so they are very handled, but I also manage to um, tame them during coop time while I clean/feed etc. I do think it depends on the amount you have with us only having 4 it's way easier to keep a more tame flock.

My ducks are not as tame because there are more, so it's it's less individual attention, more as a flock.
It worked! Those greedy little chickies were only too happy to snatch the grapes right out of my hand. Now I have a much easier way of being able to grab one of the buggers when I need to. Thanks for so much for the help everyone!

Later when they're adults you'll have an easier time with them. They will likely squat for you when they start laying eggs and that will make it easier to gently pick them up. The treats work wonders until then.

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