How Do You Contain The Excitement??!


9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
I AM SO EXCITED... The co-op in Monroe is getting it's chicks in next saturday... from what I hear they usually have around 50 breeds of chicks... oh man, I cannot wait.

I am hoping to get a few varieties. Hopefully some Welsummers, maybe Barnevelders, Blue Cochins, a RIR or two.... Man... I"ll have to see what they have and THEN choose. Sexed pullets only though... ONLY. MAn... but if they have Penes they'll probably be straight run. The straight run thing will go totally out the door though if they have silkies... especially bluessss....

Ah. Okay. Just so I can get this in my head, what breeds are most prone to laying a DARK olive egg? I want dark eggs, colored eggs too... so I'll probably get a Ameracana/orwhatever or two...

man... I am just SOOOOO excited!!!!!!!

This will be the first time I've ever really had anything but Buff Orpingtons. I am ready for some COLOR and VARIETY!
Wow lucky you!! We have to wait anywhere from 2 weeks - 6 weeks for our local stores to get them in. What's the co-op you have? I don't know of any co-ops nearby that'd have chicks, only feed stores. Congrats and have fun picking them out!!
Monroe feed store in WA??
Im going there on March 11 for their silkies! Thats when theyre getting them. Ive called them 3 times so far just to ask dates and make sure....

I am sooo excited!
ooh, what kind of silkies are they going to have?

Man, I wish they were sexed... I would love to have just 2 or so, but they gotta be hens. I love blues, splashes, and buffs.
Uh-oh, I'm going to be at the Fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday. That is just TOOOOOOOOO tempting!!! Wow, 50 breeds! I really would like to add a couple Barnies and Brahmas to my flock...

No, no, NO! NO MORE CHICKS!!!!

UPDATE: Just noticed the date of the OP's post -- maybe I'm safe...
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LOL, no, you're not safe!!! They're getting different batches of chickes every week!

I'm going back on the 18th or the 25th (i forgot... :hmm) to get myself some BO's, welsummers and a blue cochin!

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