How do you cull a chick?


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
I'm hoping I don't have to, but.... OK, I helped it hatch. It was upside down in the egg and had piped and mostly zipped the small end of the egg. It had been like that for about 30 hours. I took the rest of the chicks out and it was still peeping and could see it breathing, and could see the membrane was drying out. I carefully took some of the shell off and wet the membrane where it was stuck, and when I got it more fully zipped the chick kicked the rest of the shell off. But his head seemed to be stuck under his wing. I put it back in the bator to see how it did, and checked about an hour later and its head was still under its wing so I lifted the wing up and the beak was stuck to its belly with dried membrane, I wet it and got the membrane off and it popped its head up, but is having a hard time holding its head up. Its still in the bator with the last 2 eggs that have not hatched yet.
Give it a few more hours to get it's muscles stretched but if you do have to cull you could go one of two routes. Hold it by it's legs and smack it's head on a rock or just pop it's head right at the base of the skull by using your forefinger and thumb and giving a quick pull but be careful cause you pull too hard you could take it's head right off and I'm sure you won't want to see that. Being a surrogate to baby chicks can be tough but this all just comes with the territory.
Post a pic so we can get a better idea of the route to suggest you go
If you are really squeamish, try putting it in a paper bag and throwing it VERY hard at a wall. You don't have to open the bag to check the result but will be able to tell that the deed is done (or not).
The worst bit of livestock keeping.....
I'd give it more time before making a decision. Make sure that all of the gunk is cleaned off, and give encourage it to drink some water with Sav-a-Chick, electrolytes, sugar, etc. I have one that I was sure was going to die - having seizures and not able to move. Figured it was worth a shot to help it out further. It was a runt at first, but now at 4 weeks, it's indistinguishable from the others.

I have never had to cull a chick, but others have said to cut off the head with sharp scissors or put it in a bag or box with a rag soaked in some poisonous chemical. I forget what chemical they said...

Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
I just checked, and it is sitting up right in the bator and holding its head up, its peeping like crazy,so I think its going to be ok. It still has alot of dried membrane and some shell stuck to its back, can I wash that off later, or will it flake off on its own?
Thanks everyone, I've never had a problem before. I know the more you hatch, the more problems you will enconter, but its nice to have people that can help with questions.

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