how do you cull?

Christie Rhae

9 Years
Jul 5, 2010
Big Island, Hawaii
I have big breeding plans and know that to do this I have to be careful about what I keep and what to cull.

I am sure this is already explained in detail but I cannot find the info so my question is... How do you cull your chicks? How do you cull older birds?
I exactly. Drowning? Cracking necks? Chopping off head? oh I think I feel sick already.....

Is there a humane way to do it with the least horrible feeling? Any input?
And will people buy roosters? I thought I could do that... put a sign at our little feed/general store and craigslist. I am sure chicks would go cuz they are so darn cute. But roosters? Seems like everyone is trying to get rid of roosters. Have you had success with selling "pet quality" roosters?
And will people buy roosters? I thought I could do that... put a sign at our little feed/general store and craigslist. I am sure chicks would go cuz they are so darn cute. But roosters? Seems like everyone is trying to get rid of roosters. Have you had success with selling "pet quality" roosters?

I have had success in selling the roosters I don't keep. If I have extra boys that I can't sell or give away, they just free range in the yard. You could always process them yourself and eat them. I don't just because they have the black skin, plus nobody will do it and I just can't kill it.
I see roosters at the feed store all the time, and a week later, they are gone! The stores ask at least $10-15 for them, so that kind of weeds out the folks looking for "dinner".

If you use Craigslist. Don't let buyers come to your house and see your flock. Meet them at a feedstore or something.
I allow people to come to my house, but they aren't allowed anywhere near my pens/brooders etc. I meet them in the driveway with the birds, far away from my flock. It's not like were out in the country with no houses around. I do have several game cams hidden around, just incase I get any weirdos, but luckly everybody from CL has been fine and normal.
I think the easiest way to cull a chick is to fill a 5 gallon bucket with water and hold the chick under water for a short time - it doesn't take long at all - less than a minute - and no pain - for you or the chick -
Well I am glad to hear that roosters are not impossible to get rid of.
Ok but, if you have a bird that was unwell, and you needed to put it down out of mercy. How? Maybe I could take it to the vet....hmm I bet they would do it..wonder how much they would charge.
I was thinking that would be the least bloody way to do it with chicks. I pray I never have to do that but it is good info. I bet a full grown rooster would not let you drown it. lol

I used to raise Budgerigars (parakeets) and you are supposed to pop their neck to cull them. Of course I never could so ended up with over 200. lol

I have a barred rock hen (hatchery chick) right now that is just small. Her legs are skinny, she had plucked feathers and she lays small weak shelled eggs. She eats fine and seems otherwise healthy. Just getting picked on a little cuz she is wimpy. I looked at her today and realized that a truly ruthless breeder would dispatch her. Of course I can't do that.

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