How do you do the Egg carton method?

I'm hatching some coturnix eggs and was hoping to try this, only problem is the only quail egg cartons I have are the clear plastic ones... do you think they would work?


I used clean cartons that had been used in the refrigerator, so far nearly all of the eggs I have candled so far have been developing! I was amazed because I had so much trouble getting my LG bator to stabilize after putting the eggs in there, was everywhere between 92*F and 106*F for the first 2 days. I thoought for sure the eggs didn't have a chance. I finally got the bator straigtened out, it is doing great now. Woohoo 12 more days to hatch day! We will see what happens.
Okay. So, it's okay to use cartons that were used for refrigerated eggs from the store. I have saved up a lot of these, but don't want to harm my first batch of incubator eggs if they're not okay to use.

I use an automatic turner, so will put the eggs in a carton on Day 18 and take the turner out. Thanks!
sounds like u got it to me.

today IS day 18 so they r in a hole pumped egg carton.
Well you can always wash the plastic and foam ones. As for the paper ones, I am sure they came from the egg factory pretty clean unless you want to fumigate those.

Not a bad idea to poke holes for teh bottoms!

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