how do you feel about space exploration?

Hm, I may be in the minority here, but I think we should do it. Namely once you have the ability to become a 2 planet species, you really should. Mankind has spead so far and is at capacity and over in many places on the planet we're on. I see this going one of two ways, either we find more land to put people on, and more resources for the expnded population, or we're in for more wars and killing over the land and resources we still have remaining. There is of course still the possiability of globial castrophies, of both man made and natrual causes, which makes having a secondary home for our species a wise option.

Is it expensive, of course, but so is going extinct because of inertia.
It's important to explore into space. New ideas for everyday life come from exploration. I won't be around to witness it but out there is where man's destiny is. If you're a fan of sci-fi or even of science you know that whatever mankind can dream of, he or she can make it come to fruition. Yes, it will cost us but the people who have been there and done that believe it is worth it! So would I. If I were that lucky.
Mine enough of what? Any of the "precious metals" are only valuable when there is a small supply. You flood the market and the value goes down.

One single action will not right the world.

And who will fund the initial start-up costs? Tax payers are already footing a bill far too large to handle.
If you read my PP you'll see that I believe that space travel/exploration needs to be privatized, not tax/government driven.

Did you know that we already have the technology to power the entire world (including third world countries) by a simple microwave system that requires only receptors on earth and one or two satellites? And that those that are privately funding the project are getting shut down all over because of those who DON'T want us to be oil-independent?

Use the resources that are IN space to develop space exploration-- create jobs, opportunities, new studies of health impact of space. You can't tell me that opportunity doesn't stimulate the economy.
I think we should do it as well! I mean we can spend all this money on fighting wars we shouldn't even be in, why not spend it on space~

It's important, we are not alone! has anybody seen men in black?? DUH lol
just playing but i do believe we are not the only one's!!
I think exploring space is awesome. There is so much we don't know about the universe and haven't discovered yet. It's amazing to think that humans could actually go to other planets, and maybe even eventually live there.

A lot of the technology designed for space has eventually been adapted to help in other ways here on earth, too, in other industries.
And to boot! I will miss running into the back yard with my kids watching the shuttles go up into space and screaming GOOD LUCK and WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO

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