how do you feel about space exploration?

But still, who will fund it?

I don't think I understand the second part of this. All "power" is energy, it has to originate somewhere. What are you talking about? How do you send energy from two things that aren't connected. Energy has to have a conductor, otherwise it just stops. I'm not saying you aren't correct, I'm just I have never heard of this and cannot conceive the functionality of it.

I'm all for creating new jobs. But you would never get me into a space-ship. Humans weren't meant to fly. Just like cars, the first generation that is born to constant use will be the first generation to be at home with it. That's not me!
Other than the potential for mining and spin off technology (most of the tech we enjoy, including the internet your using right now was spun off of military research, nobody else would have spent the money developing it) there are 3 valid reasons why humans MUST become competent in space.

1) The Earth is doomed. No amount of conservation or green thinking will stop the sun from going nova or the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies from colliding. These events are WAY off in the future but man ultimately MUST leave this planet if it is to survive.

2) Earth crossing asteroids. Much more likely to be real threat in the near future. Should we find a large mass heading on a direct collision course with the Earth we stand a much better chance of survival if we had ships in space, a well trained group of astronauts and pre planned techniques for dealing with the situation. For that matter, if we had space operations throughout our solar system we would stand a much better chance of detecting an Earth crossing mass while we still had time to react.

3) The more we learn about other moons and planets the greater the insight we gain into our own.

Yes, there are things right here on Earth that need addressing but space exploration is far from a waste of time and money.
I guess if the government can spend billions on illegal aliens' health care and education a few billion for space exploration would be ok.......

I could take the laser from a cd burner, power it up and point it at your skin, even in or through the vacuum of space and you would instantly know that energy can indeed be transmitted without a conduit. Not very efficiently yet but we will figure it out soon, UNLESS we focus more on conservation than on generation and distribution.
But still, who will fund it?

I don't think I understand the second part of this. All "power" is energy, it has to originate somewhere. What are you talking about? How do you send energy from two things that aren't connected. Energy has to have a conductor, otherwise it just stops. I'm not saying you aren't correct, I'm just I have never heard of this and cannot conceive the functionality of it.

I'm all for creating new jobs. But you would never get me into a space-ship. Humans weren't meant to fly. Just like cars, the first generation that is born to constant use will be the first generation to be at home with it. That's not me!

look up Tesla. He invented altenators, generators and this ability to do this. the government smashed his project after he blew up something withi=out a detenator. VERY INTERESTING
There are already private funders-- take Bronson, the Virgin guy, he's *very* involved. There are MANY investors. They have the money, too, they just have to deal with the government wanting to control what they can and can't do.

Yes, all power is energy-- and lightning has nothing to do with turning on a light, right? You need to research microwave and solar energy. It's funny that you probably think a solar panel is basic, but what I was mentioning is the SAME idea on a grander scale and you implied it's not possible.

I'm not asking you to go to space. There are millions that would be eager to go-- esp. those who are getting the short end of the stick here. I can see incentives for going into space... but I can also see space limited to those that can make a difference by being in space-- specialists who are educated and beneficial to have up there.

There were plenty who said that the "new world" was a waste, and there were plenty who said electricity could never be captured... the truth is that that attitude blinds us to possibility and better life.

Perhaps we were never meant to go to space, but I don't believe we were *meant* to become dependent on oil and destroy our planet either, when other resources that are cheaper and renewable are available.

Space travel is more part of your life than you are aware-- if you own a cell phone or a even TV, then you are already involved in the space-program. It's just how you look at it.

As for what the investors are after-- if you discovered oil in your backyard would you really ignore it because of concern for the economy? I doubt it. Private investors will be the ones to make the profit from 'mining the sky' and, watching them, I'd bet there'll be another gold rush... to the stars.
I thought lightning. But then I thought about how dangerous lightning is b/c it's not able to be contained. And it's unpredictable. Not exactly what I would like to be exposed to.

As for the laser-it is precisely focused energy. The original energy still comes from a battery or from a current. The energy has been harnessed and can be honed for safety. But the original energy still came from a source. That was my question, what is the "source" of energy and we will be beaming to Earth??

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