How do you gather your eggs?

So what y’all are saying is I just need to buy a bunch of baskets and place them sporadically, all around the property and then just hope I can find (or remember) one when I need it! 🤣
exactly GIF
Plastic ice cream bucket with some hay 🥚
The plastic ice cream bucket was the latest culprit of the egg casualties. Sat the bucket on a log in the coop because… distracted. Nosey Rosie decided to check it out and knocked it down and broke all the eggs. The flock was happy! I was a sad chick! I seriously am so easily distracted. Drives my husband crazy.
That’s my current method but I’ve smashed too many eggs by gathering and then getting distracted on my way back to the house.
Check on all birds.
Talk to all birds.
Gather eggs.
Talk some more.
*Intend to go to house*
Walk the run to check security.
See water that needs filled.
Go fill water.
Go in coop to check the poop board and roosts.
Run along fence lines with dogs.
Stop and talk to the neighbors cattle.
Rearrange things in the garage.
Finally make it inside the house.
Sit on couch.
Why is pocket wet?
UGH. Not again!!!
Hahaha! I feel you!! Talking with cattle and birds is an important task xD
I usually do that too now that I only own 4 hens and one of them (I think) is older and doesn’t lay eggs. But once I dropped one when I picked something from the ground so now I’m more careful. I have a very cute basket that I’ll use when I get more chickens ^_^
That’s my current method but I’ve smashed too many eggs by gathering and then getting distracted on my way back to the house.
Check on all birds.
Talk to all birds.
Gather eggs.
Talk some more.
*Intend to go to house*
Walk the run to check security.
See water that needs filled.
Go fill water.
Go in coop to check the poop board and roosts.
Run along fence lines with dogs.
Stop and talk to the neighbors cattle.
Rearrange things in the garage.
Finally make it inside the house.
Sit on couch.
Why is pocket wet?
UGH. Not again!!!
Gather the eggs last! ☺️
Do you use a basket? Egg apron? Coat pockets? I’m only getting 2 to 3 a day right now so I just grab them and carry them in. Put some in my sweatshirt pocket once. That did not end well! I expect to have 6 to 10 a day once they all reach POL so I’m just curious what everyone’s preferred method of gathering is. I have small basket but usually forget to take down to the coop.
I use a basket most of the time. Have I tried to grab 8 by hand? yes. Have I put some in my pockets and broke them? yes. Have I ever dropped eggs? yes.

A basket is just easier for me.
I just bought one of these last weekend!!! It’s made getting the waterers back and forth SO much easier!!!
They're handy.
I collect hatching eggs in plastic egg flats. All others in 5 gallon buckets.
Sometimes I do tote them back to the house in the cart.

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