How do you gather your eggs?

Currently I have 57 hens, 11 duck hens and 1 guinea hen. Being it's winter although mild most days, I was only getting 0-5 chicken eggs, 0-1 duck eggs and 0 guinea (they only lay from May-Aug on average). Most of my older hens were molting but are pretty much feathered out now so they've begun laying a little more. Still only 1 duck egg 3-4 days a week. As for the guinea, she'll lay next spring. To my surprise, over the last week my chickens have been laying even better than I could expect. Christmas eve I collected 23 chicken eggs and 19 on Christmas day.

I normally collect eggs in baskets unless I forget to grab one. Depending on time of year depends on which basket I'll grab. Summer I use large baskets and may gather 30-35 chicken eggs a day plus up to 10 duck šŸ„š šŸ„šand a guinea šŸ„š. If I forgot a basket and depending on how many collected, I may use a feed bucket, jacket pocket or untuck my shirt and use it to carry eggs.

Photo from a few months ago.

Christmas eve collection separated and dated.
I usually use pockets of coat or pants. Yes have smashed them by accidentally running into things with my side, breaking them by leaning down and hear that fateful crack and wetness. I even have tucked in bra( it was wired and I stood up and stretched and CRACK! ) . I have a lovely antique basket but you'd have to remember it! :wee:wee:eek:View attachment 2932125so mostly I use whatever's handy and hope I don't smash them
I have cool vintage buckets spray painted in blue and green, thinking about my favorite egg colors. One is always in the coop just I'm case I forget the other which usually is in the front floor of my truck so I don't forget and it's always there:)))

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