how do you get rid of telemarketers?

I ask them to leave me their home # so I can call them back because I am busy right now. when they say they can't I say why?, don't you like being bothered at home during dinner, and they always say yes. then I say how does that feel, and hang up.

i don't even say anything. usually i'm busy and as soon as i here the usual message start i put the phone down and go on with what i was doing.
the ones that really bug are when people just call and hang up.

my friend told me (i think a true) story about a family who was called by a telemarketer, and was asking for Mr. So-and-so. the person who answered the phone politely informed the caller that her husband, who was right there, had been dead for sometime. the next day they got there water turned off.
The no call list works for us.

Several years ago, there was a cemetery that called at least once a week for months wanting us to buy plots. After tiring of telling the woman that we weren't interested, I told her that we didn't need any plots as my husband and I weren't going to die. Never heard from her again!
I had to work in telemarketing for a short while after a surgery or 2 kept me unable to do anything else. Bein a single parent and all. ugh, it was the worst. I never made a sale, and because I was nice enough people didn't get too mad at me ( cept the boss who wanted me to sell.. sell... SELL)

Anyway, at home, the DNC list worked well, but a few times calls snuck through. I'd say " this is a teen line", and they woud not call back.
I'd get persistant calls from a particular newspaper, several times a day. I told them I'd gladly subscribe, and as they were taking my info, I said " Wow, I didn't know you made the newspapers in Braille". Lady said " Huh?". I said " I'm blind".
Never got a call from them again.

I used to tell my son to just start talking nonsense. He's answer and say something like " my mom will be right with you, the puppy puked on the floor because I fed it sardines" Then proceed to describe it....
All worked well till I was waiting for calls for job interviews, and he thought he was talking to a telemarketer, and told them. Mom cant talk to you unless you are a medium.

I told him to never answer the phone again..
My sister got a call from a carpet kind of business.

They asked her if she had carpet? No.
Well, how about wood floors? No.
Tile? No.
Linoleum? No.
Then what do you have for your floors? Dirt. sniff sniff.

they hung up.

ha ha...she slays me.

I have an unlisted number
i dont give my number out to anyone (like for contests)
i have signed up on the do not cal registry (which is canada was being sold online

so now when they call i just dont answer most of the time (i have call display) and i dont have voicemail..

or if i am in a really good mood i will answer the phone...when they ask for the lady of the house or whatever..i say one minute...and just put the phone down and continue watching tv or chatting it up here....after about 3 - 4 minutes they just hand up and after i do that a few times that number stops
one time a telemarketer asked to speak to my dad. Why they were calling my number asking for him I will never know.
I broke out in tears, sobbing hysterically and told them that he was dead. Which he was, so I wasnt lying or anything.

the poor guy apologized profusely and hung up. My dh, who was in the pantry watching my show. Looked at me, said "telemarketer?" and went back to washing dishes.

I havent gotten a sales call in years. Maybe that do not call list does work after all. Now. If I could get them to stop texting me offers on my cell phone. cost me minutes everytime. I have to open the darn things to delete em.

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