how do you get rid of telemarketers?


I am sitting here with tears running down my face because I have been laughing SO HARD!!!!

Now if I can just remember some of these for the next call I get!!
My dad hates them, so in my younger yrs when i lived at home they would call and I would answer and hand the phone to him...he would get so mad. He told me to quit handing the phone to him.

So the next time they called I answered the phone and they asked for him and of course they said our last name wrong so we new who it was, in a sobbing, bawling voice I said "NO HE IS NOT HERE AND WE DON'T KNOW IF HE IS EVER COMING BACK!"
They politely said they were sorry and they never called back! To this day my dad tells the story to his friends.

Mom was sitting on the couch shaking her head and she asked me where I come with this stuff...I tell her it just comes naturally...Dad almost fell off the couch laughing!
that does not work they are even calling my cell

I had one call me the other day trying to sell me car insurance i told them i dont have a car but i asked if they can insure my horse and buggy (i live very close to a Mennonite town)..she actually wanted to put me on hold to ask her supervisor...i just hung up
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Today I listened to a man on the radio describing his experiences as a telemarketer. It did NOT at all sound like a rewarding way to make a living, not something anyone would be doing if there were ANYthing else available for them to do. With all the people losing their jobs these days, more & more folks will be accepting work as telemarketers in their desperation to make a few $$$ to keep their households going.

Please try & find a little compassion for these sales callers, try and raise your threshold of tolerance a little. At least you can be grateful that you yourself don't have to work as a telemarketer. Yet.

All you have to do is say "No, thank you, go on to your next call. Good luck with your sales." And gently hang up the phone. A well-trained sales caller will try to keep you on the line, using their list of phrases to refute your excuses. But you needn't take offense, they're just trying to do their job. I imaging they're more interested in the paltry commission they'll earn than the product they're selling or the success of the company. Still, there's no need to be mean, just repeat "No, thank you" and hang up. That's all.

The man on the radio described his work in an office of cubicles, wearing earphones hooked up to a computer that automatically dialed the next number for him. It was completely automated, he had no choice. Once he got his own grandmother, who took that time to tell him his grandfather's cancer had just come back, another time he got his own home phone. At the end of each call the computer would immediately dial the next number for him.

It sounded like work in a factory farm, like a dairy cow hooked up to a milking machine for 8 hours a day. Give these folks a break, there's no need to be so cruel.

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