How do you know if you are feeding your chickens to much or to little


Out Of Coop
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
We have 13 hens and 1 rooster. Our rooster is fat very fat. The hens are not they are beatuiful but not fat.

The rooster is 1 year old the hens are 6 months. So how do you know if your are giving enough.

We scatter feed on the ground for them and fill the feeders everyday. We also give them watermelon, noodles and rice cooked, cucumbers, tomatoes or what ever else we have. They get bugs from the ground and then two more times during the day we scatter feed. We have a total of 3 feeders we fill about 1/4 of the way so we can clean them out each day.

They go nuts we we scatter or put anything in their feeding area regardless and their feeders are always empty by night fall. Should we feed them more?

If you are comparing the size of your rooster to the size of your 6 mo. old pullets, then there's your problem! Roosters keep growing on up to or a little past a year old. They get very big!

If you are that concerned, I'd cut back on the treat/extras you are giving them. Their feed should always be offered free choice and treats should be given in moderation. I would also quit scattering feed on the ground for them. If they want to eat, they know where the feeders are. If you want to scatter something just to see them go nuts and peck at it, then try some black oiled sunflower seeds. Mine love them and they have protein in them.
Most off feed 24/7. No reason to clean a feeder every day. Treats should be less than 10% of what they eat, or the amount they can eat in 15-20 minutes.
I don't believe chickens will overeat given a decent balanced diet. Your diet seems very diverse and must be balanced. Roosters should be big, but a large bloated anything, is not normal. Could the "fat" be some kind of medical condition?
There is no need to scatter feed on the ground. You can but you don't need to.
As far as the feeders - I keep 7chickens and have 1 feeder that I fill up 1-2x a week (depending on how much free ranging time they get, and how much food from the house they get), and clean it out when it gets to just dust in the bottom.
There is realy no need to clean it out each day unless they are pooing in it.

For the scattering of food and feeding "treats"
Anytime chickens see things fall on the ground they are going to gobble it up - wether it is their feed or their favorite treat or something they have never had before.
For some reason falling food triggers their gorge till it is all gone, it doesn't mean they are hungry.
For the scattering of food and feeding "treats"
Anytime chickens see things fall on the ground they are going to gobble it up - wether it is their feed or their favorite treat or something they have never had before.
For some reason falling food triggers their gorge till it is all gone, it doesn't mean they are hungry.

OHHHH....I only scattered because they attack. When I say fat I mean he has a large breast that the girls don't have. But he is bigggg and so proud! LOL

Thank you!​

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