How do you know when a pullet is about ready to lay?

There are several signs of oncoming egg production:

  • Redder, larger combs and wattles.
  • "Squatting" as you reach down to pick the bird up. Squatting is the natural response of a hen who is ready to mate with a rooster.
  • Investigating the nest boxes frequently.
  • Cackling for no apparent reason.
  • Sometimes a change in voice to a deeper sound.

If you see any/all of those signs, chances are you will get eggs in 1-4 weeks.
There are several signs of oncoming egg production:

  • Redder, larger combs and wattles.
  • "Squatting" as you reach down to pick the bird up. Squatting is the natural response of a hen who is ready to mate with a rooster.
  • Investigating the nest boxes frequently.
  • Cackling for no apparent reason.
  • Sometimes a change in voice to a deeper sound.

If you see any/all of those signs, chances are you will get eggs in 1-4 weeks.
X2 on this advice.
Patience, grasshopper
It seems like they'll never lay and then....whoops! There's an egg!

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