How do you prevent slugs if you keep your chicken feeder outside?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
I've been finding slugs outside near my chicken feeder. I bought those feeders where you put them in a bucket and the chickens can stick their heads inside. I try and sweep the area daily but it rains a lot here so moisture plus feed is attracting slugs. My chickens don't eat them but I get paranoid since they carry parasites. I read that vinegar kills slugs and it seems safe for chickens. Maybe I'll just spray the area with vinegar regularly?
Any possibility of moving the feeder inside where it stays dry? Moisture + feed is a bad combo even without the slugs.

My chickens will pick at slugs but they're not their favorite. They really don't eat enough of them to cause issues.
Might try some wood ashes in a thick circle around what needs protecting. Salt would melt the rascals too and I doubt if the birds would eat too much of it.
I use salt on the slimy things, They're not around the chickens I just hit them with salt when I see them, makes 'em go through all kinds of contortions and DIE.
Have you tried letting your chickens take care of the problem? I live in Pac NW where we have those gigantic (absolutely disgusting) slugs. My girls thought they were included in the feeding party. Snakes and slugs are nearly extinct in the chicken yard. The field mice will never learn.

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