How do you prevent water from freezing


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Richmond, VA
So my question of the day is this.... how do you prevent the water from freezing in the coops? What are your suggestions?
I take the waterer out when I go to bed and bring it out full of really warm water at 6 am. Where we are it won't freeze (most of the time) during the day. If it's that cold I have 2 kids checking it every couple hours.
I use Fortex small black rubber pans. In the morning, turn them upside down and step on them. The ice block comes out easily. Then refill with nice warm water carried out in gallon milk jugs.

Available on amazon, in feed stores, etc.

My hubby won't let me mix water and electric outside.
We've been using a "Snuggle Safe" heat pad that we use with newborn kittens. You just heat it in the microwave and it keeps the heat for hours. We've been putting that underneath the water and it does seem to keep it liquid longer. Mostly, I haven't been worrying too much because I've noticed the hens have been eating the snow!
I also go with the heated dog dish. I cut a circle of plywood and hung it by three chains from the top of the coop. Put the dog dish on that. It is hung high enough that their scratchings do not fowl the water. It works great, and the coop has been as cold as 5 degrees F.

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