How do you say "d Uccle"?

Yes that's how it sounds to me also.
doo for the d'
yoo for the U
and clay for the ccle

or I guess you could also say it's
doo for the d'
yook for the Uc
and clay for the cle

but definitely 3 syllables.
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Have we ever come to a a conclusion on how you say D'uccle? Spacificly the southern US version.
No fair responding in french....

Je parle un peu de francais and I can read it still:D

How bout we all just say Ukelele? It sounds so much more musical:p

I have 9 of these guys and figured out why people in the US just call them Millies regardless of their color

OLOLOLOL love this answer!
I was a French student too and I agree with your first pronunciation. If it was dew klay there would be an accent mark(I forget what each mark is called now) over the ending e
Most people I know call them 'duckles' or simply 'millies' even if they aren't that color
. But it's pronounced 'doo-cluh' if you want to be french, but we tend to say 'doo-clay'. I've taken french, and am currently in french again, so I try to say it right. Also the mille fleur color is pronounced 'mill flurr'. There's no I in Mille

The reason why it may sound like 3 syllables, is because d'Uccle is two words. Written out it's 'de Uccle'. The 'de' part is pronounced 'duh'. Being humans, we're all lazy, so because U is a vowel, the D get's smacked onto it and said as one word. Sorta like putting don't for do not, except theirs is on the front.
As in many proper names, it depends on the intent of the one who is bestowing the name. So, if the creator of the breed wanted to say Duckle, it would be pronounced that way. As in Brett Favre.. now, we all know that name is not FARVE, but that is the way the family pronounces it. French, again.

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