How do you say "d Uccle"?

Go to an American poultry show, at least in the NorthEast & ask where the "do clays" are & no one will know what you're talking about.
After reading all the responses, I still don't know how to pronounce it



It's D is not pronounced as much as you think it is, it's just a light pronunciation of Duh. Therefore it's Duh-Oo-Kluh. However the 'U' in Kluh is pronounced rather like a French 'E' which you will have to look up as I can't say it to you guys over the forums. Being a French Student all my life, this one was acutually a hard one to figure out!
However watch me not be right.

However, it could be Du-Clay if someone stuck this at the end=é, therefore it's not.

I found this, it's like my explanation. Minus the D, which I already explained.
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The breed is from Belgium, so there looks to be both a Dutch pronunciation & a French, as both language are spoke there officially.

Go to this site, and scroll down, and you can hear both the French and Dutch pronunciations.'Uccle

So since both are official languages of Belgium, it stands to reason that both CORRECT pronunciations (not Americanized versions) would be correct.
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