How do you say "d Uccle"?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had probs with this. We've always told Mickey she was a "duckle" since we were completely ignorant of French. We knew that probably wasn't right but Mickey doesn't know. The three new ones daughter got over the weekend will be "du-clays" Now we know. Thanks to all.
I have a few more....specifically "salmon favorelle" I pronouce it salmon and then 'f-ah-vor-ell' but I've heard other people call it 'f-ah-vor-ell-ee'. Which is right??? (I'll add the other ones when I remember LOL!)

Okay, 2 more are Crevecoeur and La Fleche
I pronounce:
"creh-veh-qu-ah" and 'La Fleh-sheh'

Mille Fleur (pronounce it just like it's spelled but with french accent LOL!)
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Both are incorrect. It is spelled Faverolle, and prounounced as it looks (fav-err-ole).

Crevecoeur = Crev-cur

La Fleche = La - Flesh
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My bad, that's what I meant....(faverolle) so is it 'ol-ay' or just 'ole' (without the vowel sound for the 'e'?)
It actually does make sense....the d and the u are the 'doo' and the ccle is c-l-e....I know, what's with all this fancy stuff??? I personally like 'duckle' better!!!

Never mind, even though it makes sense it's how the heck is it pronounced???
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I always pronounced it duh-u-kull or duh-uh-kull. Now that you ask, I can't remember!

Salmon faver-ole is how I pronounced it. Dunno if it's right or now!

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