How do you store eggs?


8 Years
Jan 26, 2012
Folsom, Louisiana
I couldn't find a forum for this so hopefully, this is ok here.

How do ya'll store eggs? I get 12-18 small eggs a day, my hens are 7 months old. I have 8 cartons right now and will have another tonight.

I don't know where or how to store them out of the way. I was looking at the Skelter but they only hold 36 eggs.


That's a LOT of eggs! I use these baskets. Fill the top, rotate to the bottom when full and start filling the top again. I use them from the bottom basket first.
I had problems with a skelter, the pullet eggs were too small.
If i were you i would start making phone calls to local churches and food pantries looking to donate some eggs. At that rate you will run out of options soon.
Both of my pantries give me a yearly statement for tax time and one pantry even sends an employee to pick up eggs at my door.
Your overabundance can be quite a blessing for others in need.
If i were you i would start making phone calls to local churches and food pantries looking to donate some eggs. At that rate you will run out of options soon.
Both of my pantries give me a yearly statement for tax time and one pantry even sends an employee to pick up eggs at my door.
Your overabundance can be quite a blessing for others in need.
I bring several dozen to church every week and give some to my friend.
I wash today's collection in the evening.
Perfect eggs go in one carton for customers.
The rest go in another carton for personal consumption.
The cartons are dated when full.
All go into the fridge and are rotated so previously filled cartons are sold or eaten first. 20190814_075342_resized_kindlephoto-8476837.jpg Eggs on top shelf are for personal consumption, middle shelf are cartons not yet filled, bottom shelf is saleable. GC

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