How do you tell if a chicken is show quality?

Kids at the local fairs is about learning and having a good time doing it.

Seldom do I DQ a new junior exhibitor at a fair. I try to discuss the situation with the youngster with positive re-enfocement and suggestions about improvement.

A very smart guy I know, me, always says this about Junior exhibitors-

"The most important part of the exhibit is standing beside the cage, not inside of it."

Go and let the kids enjoy the expereince. If they get DQed or put down in any way they will get to learn about A holes that aren't very concerned judges either.
No, there is no regitration process for poultry.

I had to pay a 50 cents registration fee and fill out a registration paper. They also have to be tested for Pullorum-Typhoid. They do that at the fair the day that we drop them off.

What you paid was a fee to enter the bird in the show. There is no registration process for chickens as there is, for example, for dogs through the American Kennel Club.
I don't have any good pictures of my Show Quality BAs (They would be helpful) but I can get some later. For now I think I'll just show off my chicken's names. Yes chickens can have fancy names like this. I have Black Aussies I have is 4H this year. Two hens and a Rooster. Never shown them yet. Bought them from a guy near me that I take poultry lessons from. I got six all together. When I did my record book I realized I spent approx. $107 on the project. Probably because it was my first year and I didn't really have anything yet. Exhibition is next week!!!! Soooo excited! Here are the names of the chickens I am showing...

"Trivee Yankee Doodle" my cockerel. There is a pic of him below

"Trivee Secret Desire"

"Trivee Black Eyed Susan"

The first word "Trivee" is the name of the farm or affix they were born on. Here is a picture of Yankee.

Hope anyone else going to exhibition in their town has a great time! Good luck to you all!

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