How do you tell if a pullet has laid an egg?

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
I have 1 rooster 2 hens and maybe 2 pullets that have laid an egg and I have noticed about a week ago I am getting an extra egg in the nesting box and I know my hens very well so I can identify their eggs by traits but one looks very similar to the others but its an extra, silkies don't lay every day but around every other day. Does this mean my pullets have started laying? Is there a way to know for sure, or until you see the pullet on the nest
I have 1 rooster 2 hens and maybe 2 pullets that have laid an egg and I have noticed about a week ago I am getting an extra egg in the nesting box and I know my hens very well so I can identify their eggs by traits but one looks very similar to the others but its an extra, silkies don't lay every day but around every other day. Does this mean my pullets have started laying? Is there a way to know for sure, or until you see the pullet on the nest
If you can see them on the nest, that's great!
Mainly, if their combs are really bright (preferably with red combed breeds) that should indicate your layers. And if their vent is moist that can be another red flag for laying. :)
Check their vent, after a couple weeks of laying the vent should be a little more circular shaped than oval shaped. Also yes check the moisture of the vents
Good luck w your pullets and other chickens!

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