How do you try and track/figure out chicks postal path?


9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
Plant City, FL.
Some of you have mentioned this...have you just called someone at the post office and they told you or looked on there website somehow? Thanks so much! Only thing is there coming from MPC so I haven't a clue where there coming from--OH, Connecticut? Somewhere up there to FL is how it will go! LOL

Another Q-Were in a smaller town outside of Tampa--they'll probably go through Tampa and I'm wondering how/if I can get the distrubution center here to call instead of them coming all the way here? Thanks so much! Getting nervous/excited for my chickies!
I think MPC sends from Ohio.
If I were you I would call my local post office to get any details on how to pick them up at your distribution center to save them some travel.
Good luck with your new chicks.
What breeds did you order?
Anytime Ive ever had anything shipped, especially live animals, the shipment has its own tracking #.
The seller should have given you this #.

You can use it on the shipping companies website to view your packages progress, it will show when it left, where it changed trucks/planes, when it is due out for delivery, etc . . .

Its pretty standard these days to provide this tracking # to customers . . .
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I believe MPC chicks come from here:

Maybe if you call MPC they will give you the tracking number if it is shipping express mail.

I hope to find out how to get my chicks from the distribution center too. I am going into my local post office a week before my chicken are shipping and give them a flyer with all my info, and then ask them about a contact at the distribution center. My chickens won't ship till April 12th.

Good Luck! Let us know how you do so we can learn from you!
I ordered chicks and I called the PO to warn them of the delivery. They wrote down my name and number so they can call when the chicks come in.
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Thanks everyone! I've already called once (LOL) they acted like "Really, lady. It's no big stink" but we are in an agricultural part sooo....I'm going to go there monday and remind them of the arrival so it'll be fresh with them! I'll also try and find out the distrubution center and try and call MPC about writing in the HOLD FOR PICKUP! Thanks so much-that helps a ton!

We ordered only 5

1 Australorp pullet and 1 roo
1 EE
1 Buff Orp
My local PO is usually pretty good about calling when my chicks arrive. And 90% of the time that call comes between midnight and 2 AM, and I hit the road. I just go to the back of the PO where the trucks come in and ring the buzzer, they let me in and get my chicks. I love going in the middle of the night... very little traffic and no lines of customers

If you are rural, they probably have a lot of chicks go through there and know what to do, and most hatcheries have your number in a visible place on the box with instructions 'call on arrival'.

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