How do you wash your eggs?


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
What is the proper technique to wash an egg?
I usually don't wash them unless there is poop on it.
And I refrigerate all my eggs.

What is the right way to do this?

I've been washing mine after they are laid. What about the ones you buy in the store? They're cleaned aren't they? I've never washed a store bought egg because there was no reason to.
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No idea about store eggs... I presume they are washed or they have cages that the eggs automatically roll out of keeping them clean. The duff a wrote is just something I read. I just wash mine before use ( if poopy) never done it any other way.
I read only to not wash eggs you're going to incubate because the bloom protects the egg from bacteria that can harm the chick. I wash mine when I get them. I do have a rooster that's fertilizing the eggs but I don't have a broody hen or a good incubator!!! Grrrrrrr

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